DBMS_UTILITY.EXPAND_SQL_TEXT : Expand SQL References to Views in Oracle Database 12c Release 1 (12.1)
Views can be a useful way to hide complexity from developers, but that can in turn cause problems. It's easy to write apparently simple statements, that result in extremely complex SQL being sent to the server. TheDBMS_UTILITY.EXPAND_SQL_TEXT
procedure expands references to views, turning them into subqueries in the original statement. A simple example of this is shown below.Create a view containing a join.
CONN scott/tiger@pdb1 CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW emp_v AS SELECT e.empno, e.ename, e.job, e.mgr, e.hiredate, e.sal, e.comm, e.deptno, d.dname FROM emp e JOIN dept d ON e.deptno = d.deptno;The view has hidden the complexity of the join, allowing us to use an extremely simple query.
SELECT * FROM emp_v;We can see the real SQL statement processed by the server by expanding the statement.
SET SERVEROUTPUT ON DECLARE l_clob CLOB; BEGIN DBMS_UTILITY.expand_sql_text ( input_sql_text => 'SELECT * FROM emp_v', output_sql_text => l_clob ); DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line(l_clob); END; / SELECT "A1"."EMPNO" "EMPNO", "A1"."ENAME" "ENAME", "A1"."JOB" "JOB","A1"."MGR" "MGR", "A1"."HIREDATE" "HIREDATE", "A1"."SAL" "SAL", "A1"."COMM" "COMM", "A1"."DEPTNO" "DEPTNO", "A1"."DNAME" "DNAME" FROM (SELECT "A2"."EMPNO_0" "EMPNO", "A2"."ENAME_1" "ENAME", "A2"."JOB_2" "JOB", "A2"."MGR_3" "MGR", "A2"."HIREDATE_4" "HIREDATE", "A2"."SAL_5" "SAL", "A2"."COMM_6" COMM", "A2"."QCSJ_C000000000400000_7" "DEPTNO", "A2"."DNAME_9" "DNAME" FROM (SELECT "A4"."EMPNO" "EMPNO_0", "A4"."ENAME" "ENAME_1", "A4"."JOB" "JOB_2", "A4"."MGR" "MGR_3", "A4"."HIREDATE" "HIREDATE_4", "A4"."SAL" "SAL_5", "A4"."COMM" "COMM_6", "A4"."DEPTNO" "QCSJ_C000000000400000_7", "A3"."DEPTNO" "QCSJ_C000000000400001", "A3"."DNAME" "DNAME_9" FROM SCOTT."EMP" "A4", SCOTT."DEPT" "A3" WHERE "A4"."DEPTNO"="A3"."DEPTNO") "A2" ) "A1" PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. SQL>
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