martes, 14 de julio de 2020


Table 12-27 Summary of ASMCMD Disk group management commands
chdgChanges a disk group (add, drop, or rebalance).
chkdgChecks or repairs a disk group.
dropdgDrops a disk group.
iostatDisplays I/O statistics for disks.
lsattrLists the attributes of a disk group.
lsdgLists disk groups and their information.
lsdskLists disks Oracle ASM disks.
lsodLists open devices.
md_backupCreates a backup of the metadata of mounted disk groups.
md_restoreRestores disk groups from a backup of the metadata.
mkdgCreates a disk group.
mountMounts a disk group.
offlineOfflines a disk or a failure group.
onlineOnlines a disk or a failure group.
rebalRebalances a disk group.
remapRelocates data in a range of physical blocks on a disk.
setattrSets attributes in a disk group.
umountDismounts a disk group.

ASMCMD>;  md_backup backup.bck -G data,fra

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